Sunday Constellations circle
יום א׳, 07 ביולי
|virtual event
Join the Free Family Constellations monthly circle

זמן ומיקום
07 ביולי 2024, 14:00 – 15:30 GMT+3
virtual event
מספר אורחים
פרטי האירוע
Join me for the monthly constellation circle. we will meet on for an hour and a half of group constellation work. Sunday July 7, 2024 on Zoom at 13:00 CET, 14:00 Israel time
We come with the mantra: that meens that we fully trust the field and what it will bring up and from there we start to constellate. "I just don't know"
This circle is open to anyone who walks the path of the constellations, regardless of experience, religion, race or gender.
Let's meet as a group and decide toghater for whom it's the most accurate to facilitate, for whom it's the most accurate to be the issue holder, and who will participate as representatives - we are all in the circle - everyone participates!.
Looking forward to meeting you too.