The Field of Consciousness
Consciousness plays a crucial role in our connection to the groups we belong to, as described by Bert Hellinger. Like the feeling of balance, consciousness is always guiding us. Just as we immediately know if we are balanced, we also see if we are in harmony with our group and its members. Consciousness consists of two main aspects: feeling secure in our belonging and not fearing the loss of that belonging. There are no strict rules or canonical texts for consciousness; it is more of an instinctive feeling that drives us. Consciousness has no specific content; it is simply the feeling of "yes" or "no" based on what is happening.
(This deep understanding reminds us of the importance of listening to our feelings in social situations).
Sense of Belonging
Our initial sense of belonging is rooted in our relationship with our parents. Conflicts may arise due to the clash of two different worldviews and the parents' family values. Peace and harmony can only be achieved when each parent releases their loyalty to their family background.
(This release is essential for personal and relational growth and creating a balanced and healthy relationship).
Good Consciousness and Impaired Consciousness
The concepts of "good consciousness" and "impaired consciousness" frequently arise in discussions. The "spirit" often mentioned exists on a different level where there is no distinction between good and evil. We perceive it here; the feelings and experiences in this realm lack substance, as actions originate from elsewhere and are devoid of content. The higher level is empty, and our final surrender leads us toward this void.
(This understanding can help us accept what we cannot change and focus on what we can change).
Bert Hellinger - Meditation (Part I)
We are returning there, returning with dignity without arrogance in front of the perpetrators of the injustices. They are also victims. Ultimately, we all find ourselves connected in the same movement. Beyond the distinction between good and evil, everyone aims for something much more significant: all-encompassing peace. Everything is beyond any consciousness that distinguishes between good and evil. This leads us to the void where it all finally ends. In the end, it's over. Empty and whole at the same time. Now, I am here for you.
The Empty Place
The future always leaves something behind. One step forward leaves another foot behind. This quickly arises from the desire to repeat something because we are used to it. A strange combination of words comes to me: "Every return is a loss." There are no second chances; we are constantly dealing with new things. When situations do repeat, I have already mastered them. This reality, for us and for those we want to help, often leads to confusion and deviation from the path.
(Acknowledging that there is no return emphasizes the importance of being present and aware at every moment).
How can we persevere forever? By looking back at what happened, we see that it is in infinite space. Everything that exists and everything that once was is limited. Everything that exists is finite. We notice that everything present has an effect from something else beyond our understanding or perception. What we cannot perceive has no existence, no being. It is empty.
The path to higher consciousness transcends everything that exists, everything we are. It overcomes and progresses beyond that. By approaching it, we feel and experience an incomprehensible, unattainable power. Nothing of the infinite can be fully understood, and yet the infinite is revealed and expressed. The infinite is creative and manifests in the existing. When I expose myself to it, I move towards the darkness, towards the void, and I wait until from this void, from the darkness, I receive an indication, a sign. Often, it is just a word. If I deviate from it, I will disconnect from this ultimate reality and feel helpless. That is why I wander, doing nothing, feeling limited. When, finally, in a certain way, a word or task suddenly pops up, I know what I must do and what I am allowed to do. Then, I find myself in full force. But what I have to do is always something new. And it is a challenge that both inspires fear and illuminates.
(Instead of being threatening, the void can become a place of inspiration and creativity).
Bert Hellinger - Meditation (Part II)
Close your eyes.
In the previous meditation, we tried to reach the empty place. It is quiet and deep. And so we wait now, leaving behind all our plans and what we believed was necessary. All the certainties of what is right and what is wrong, we leave behind and empty ourselves. And now, to that emptiness, we ask the infinite silently: please. We wait for an answer - it is always surprising and very brief. Suddenly we feel from below a power rising from the earth's center and a meaningful word pops up. Suddenly, we know the next step.
Bert Hellinger
Summary insights and a free translation of a training transcript given by Bert Hellinger at the Medial Family Constellations Seminar, May 2013. The original text appears on the website of the Family Constellations Institute Brazil.

A Few Insights to Conclude
Reading Bert Hellinger's teachings and following the guided meditations he offers provide us with powerful tools to understand our consciousness and use it for personal and relational growth. Consciousness is a sense of belonging to a group and a tool to discern what is important to us. Releasing family loyalties is essential for creating balanced lives, and the void can be a source of inspiration and creativity.
Higher consciousness invites us to face the unknown and accept what cannot be changed. It allows us to experience the infinite within the boundaries of our daily existence, finding strength and security in unexpected places. Hellinger's meditations help us connect with the void and find the strength and insight to move forward.
I invite you to share your insights from reading and meditations and to continue exploring the deep realms of consciousness. To join my newsletter and receive more content on Family Constellation, personal development, and couple therapy, please click the link here: Join the Newsletter.
Sivan Avni is a marriage and family counselor offering couple therapy based on Family Constellation and differentiation in Kiryat Tivon and online.