Emotional therapy for divorced women: getting back to yourself, strengthening your confidence and rebuilding the life you want

Divorce is not only the end of a relationship - it is also a new beginning, sometimes confusing and sometimes scary.
If you feel you are facing an unfamiliar road,
If you are looking for a balance between raising the children alone and finding time for yourself, this emotional therapy is here for you.
Emotional therapy for divorced women will allow you
rediscover your voice, strengthen your inner powers,
And build a life that suits who you really are.
Why do divorced women need unique emotional therapy?
Dealing with feelings of loss:
Release from the pain and guilt that accompany separation.Building an independent identity:
The divorce forces us to ask: who am I without my previous roles? In treatment, we will rediscover your identity.Finding a balance between motherhood and personal life:
How to take care of your children with stability and security, without forgetting yourself along the way.Preparation for a new relationship:
Learning how to create a new relationship, from a healthy, strong and trusting place.
What does the emotional care for divorced women include?
Identifying and releasing burdensome emotions:
such as anger, fear, guilt or a sense of failure.
Strengthening your self-confidence:
Learn how to believe in yourself again, even after crises.
Building a vision for the future:
Imagine the life you want for yourself and find the way there.
Practical exercises:
Methods that will strengthen you on a daily level - in raising children, in relationships and in your career.
Stories from the clinic:
Dana (pseudonym) came to therapy a few months after her divorce. She described a feeling of emptiness: "I don't know who I am anymore. Everything was around the family, and suddenly I'm alone."
During the treatment, Dana learned to identify the voices that prevented her from moving forward - the fear of failure, the self-criticism - and release them.
She strengthened her confidence, found ways to combine motherhood with making time for herself, and even began to open up to the idea of a new relationship.
"I didn't believe I could feel like this - strong, whole, and not dependent on anyone," she shared after several sessions.
Ronit (pseudonym) sought treatment after years of leading a life of 'being for everyone'. She felt lost between the demands of work and the children.
During the treatment, Ronit learned to define healthy boundaries, find time for herself, and feel that she can let go of the past and build a life that she deserves. "This is the first time that I am not just a mother - I am a woman, I am me," she said proudly after several meetings.
Who is the treatment suitable for?
For women who are dealing with divorce or separation and want to start a new chapter in life.
For single mothers who feel that the daily pressures are wearing them down.
For women who want to strengthen their self-confidence and build relationships from a healthier place.
What makes this treatment special?
In my treatment I combine emotional depth from the world of the family constellation together with practical tools that will help you make a real change in your life.
The treatment is personalized to your needs, with the understanding that every emotional journey is unique, and everyone needs a safe place where they can let go, get stronger and focus on the future.
It's not just a meeting - it's the beginning of a new life
Where you can be who you are, strong, safe and whole.
I am here to help you rediscover your strengths and build a life that suits you and your family.
Let's start the next phase of your life together.
Meetings in Kiryat Tivon or online -
whatever suits you.
Tools and insights in your email
Fill in the details below, and get inspired for a closer life - for yourself, your relationship, and your family.